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سطح شما در چهارچوب C1 High ،CEFR هست.
عزیز برای تقویت زبان انگلیسی خود میتوانید از رسانه آموزشی سفیر و صفحه اینستاگرام سفیر استفاده کنید.
عزیز آزمون شما به پایان رسید.
سطح شما در چهارچوب C1 High ،CEFR هست.
عزیز برای تقویت زبان انگلیسی خود میتوانید از رسانه آموزشی سفیر و صفحه اینستاگرام سفیر استفاده کنید.
تبریک میگوییم شما مرحله یازدهم آزمون سراسری: سطح C2 Low را با موفقیت پشت سر گذاشتید. شما به صورت خودکار به مرحله بعدی آزمون هدایت میشوید، در غیراینصورت بر روی دکمه زیر کلیک کنید
تبریک میگوییم شما مرحله یازدهم آزمون سراسری: سطح C2 Low را با موفقیت پشت سر گذاشتید. شما به صورت خودکار به مرحله بعدی آزمون هدایت میشوید، در غیراینصورت بر روی دکمه زیر کلیک کنید.
1. That old wall will need to be …… . Otherwise, it will fall over, come the first strong winds of winter.
a) rebuilt
b) repainted
c) redecorated
d) repressed
2. The walls of your bathroom were wet with …… after my shower so I opened the window.
a) mold
b) condensation
c) vapor
d) dew
3. You treat this house like a hotel Tim! And you take your mother for …… . You should appreciate what she does for you more.
a) fool
b) assumption
c) advantage
d) granted
4. The Black Pirate …… over a million copies already this year.
a) was selling
b) has been sold
c) had been selling
d) had sold
5. I …… Penny for her advice, but I’m not so sure that’s such a good idea now.
a) was going to ask
b) am going to ask
c) was asking
d) will ask
6. Sonia looks like she’s …… asleep any minute!
a) fell
b) falling
c) going to fall
d) having fallen
7. A: Do you mean we should give up on this deal?
B: That’s not what I said. Let me put …… . We’ll just hold it up for a while to weigh up the situation.
a) it another way
b) it away
c) it in the way
d) the way it is
8. A: What were your schooldays like, Kelly?
B: ……, rather idyllic really. It was a very peaceful and secure environment.
a) When I look
b) I’d look back
c) If you look at it
d) Looking back on them
9. A: Why don’t you come with us to the concert?
B: Jazz just isn’t my …… . I prefer classical music.
a) cup of coffee
b) pack of coffee
c) cup of tea
d) pack of tea
10. Listen to the audio and choose the correct option.
How does the woman feel now about her first job in retailing?
a) pleased by the way she handled the staff
b) confident that it gave her a good start
c) relaxed about the mistakes she made
11. Why did Bruce decide to give up the idea of studying art?
a) He failed to gain a place at art college.
b) He became tired of doing representational art.
c) He was persuaded that he could not realize his ambition.
12.What problem did the woman have with the swan?
a) She misunderstood its intentions.
b) She underestimated the speed of its approach.
c) She failed to realize the consequences of disturbing it.
Read the article and choose the correct options.
Forget razor fish. The lesser weever is the fish to look out for on British beaches.
The fish, which has venomous spines on its gills and dorsal fin, is common in many areas of the UK, including the Cardigan Bay area of Wales.
It lies virtually buried in the sand with just its mouth and fin exposed, a trap for hapless fishermen and beachgoers wading around in the shallows.
If you stand on a weever fish, you are likely to feel a sharp prick-like sensation which gets worse and spreads along your leg, often causing swelling.
Many people have an allergic reaction to the fish and may start to sweat, develop a rapid pulse and feel nauseous as the poison gets further into the body.
Some people collapse as a result. Others can develop chest pain, although the sting is not fatal.
People who have been stung should take painkillers and if they develop an allergic reaction to the sting, a course of antihistamines is recommended.
Other common poisonous fish on Britain’s beaches include jelly fish and the stingray, which, if disturbed, can use its tail to venomous effect.
Sea currents
But fish are the least of your worries on the beach. The force of the sea is much more dangerous than anything swimming about inside it.
Over the weekend, two people nearly drowned in the Bournemouth area after getting out of their depth swimming.
One was just 16 years old. They are both now in stable condition in hospital.
In other areas, the situation was less dramatic with a handful of sunburn and sprained ankles reported in other sunspots, including Cornwall, Blackpool and Brighton.
Coastguards are warning the public not to swim if there is a red flag flying on a beach and to find out about local tides and currents.
Safe swimming
The Coastguard Agency says people should not swim if they feel unwell, for at least an hour after a meal, if they have been drinking alcohol or if they are cold and tired.
They also warn against swimming alone, swimming too far out to sea and snorkeling if you have breathing problems.
And you should avoid cliff edges, even on gentle slopes, when they have been dampened by sea spray.
Another danger on the beach is pollution. A recent survey of UK beaches showed more than 10% are failing to meet minimum standards for clean water.
The Marine Conservation Society said raw sewage was still being pumped into the sea in some areas and was finding its way onto beaches.
But the water companies say the society’s standards are too tough and that 90% of British beaches pass European standards.
13. Which of these people should be safe swimming?
a) A person who has just eaten.
b) A person who has celebrated with non-alcoholic beer.
c) A person who feels hot and dizzy.
14. Which of these is the more serious danger on a British beach?
a) Sharks
b) Sunburn
c) Deep water
15. What sentence best summarizes the pollution situation on UK beaches?
a) Most beaches are not clean enough for European standards.
b) There are some very dirty beaches, but most are fine.
c) The water companies are arguing about the best way to improve UK beaches.