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عزیز آزمون شما به پایان رسید.
سطح شما در چهارچوب A2 High ،CEFR هست .
عزیز برای تقویت زبان انگلیسی خود میتوانید از رسانه آموزشی سفیر و صفحه اینستاگرام سفیر استفاده کنید.
1. A: I’m going to participate in that free discussion course.
B: Really? I’d like to take …… too.
a) off
b) place
c) part
d) care
2. A: I’ll turn 18 next month.
B: Great! Happy birthday in …… .
a) advance
b) common
c) the end
d) detail
3. A: I think we shouldn’t change the …… of the accident.
B: You’re right. Let the police decide what to do.
a) sight
b) scene
c) row
d) result
4. A: We …… a meeting next week. I told all the staff members about it last week.
B: Do you think we should remind them?
a) will have
b) have had
c) are having
d) had had
5. A: You …… drive without a driver’s license. It is illegal.
B: OK, I know that.
a) have got to
b) don’t have to
c) shouldn’t
d) mustn’t
6. A: I wish she …… me.
B: Trust me, she won’t.
a) will call
b) would call
c) would have called
d) will be calling
7. A: Where exactly do you live?
B: …… .
a) In Iran
b) In Tehran, around here
c) Right opposite the mosque in this alley
d) Not very far, around here
8. A: I don’t mind working late for a job I love.
B: You mean you ……?
a) can work long hours and overtime if needed
b) can’t accept your boss’ request if he asks you to stay at work longer
c) absolutely love working long hours
d) are very keen on working overtime for this job
9. A: …… to the movie theater?
B: Go along the street and then take the second turning on the left.
a) Where is the way
b) Can you tell me the way
c) How is the path
d) Would you tell me about the path
Listen to the audio and choose the correct option.
10. Sandra was getting ready for her vacation this morning.
11. Sandra has done all the things for her vacation next week.
12. Sandra asks Andy to look after her apartment while she is away.
Read the article and choose the correct options.
What does it mean to be innovative in business?
In order for a business to survive in today’s world, it is important that we regularly review what we are doing and how we are doing it. By considering new ideas and new ways of doing things, and trying to innovate, we can improve on our products/services, increase sales, reduce costs and make our processes more effective and efficient. Innovation is key to increasing profits.
There are several ways a company can be innovative with their products and services. Today we will look at four of them.
Using the latest technology to improve your product/service
When we think of innovation, we often think of new technologies. While they might be impressive, we should not use new technologies just because they are available. It is important to consider how the technology can improve our product/service and make a difference to our customer. Companies that produce cars, toiletries, household appliances, etc. often have a large R&D department to work on making their products better.
Responding to customer demands by changing what is on offer
By listening to customer feedback, we can get their opinions on how we are doing and find out about what it is that they want. We also need to be aware of changes in customer demands and keep up with the times. When fast-food restaurant McDonald’s realized that the market wanted healthier choices, they introduced fruit and salads, while removing the ‘super-size’ option from their menus.
Offering a new product/service to reach new customers
Your business might be doing well, but there is no growth or development and there is a risk that your competitors might take away some of your customers. Innovation sometimes means developing a new product that targets a different market. Although video games were often played by boys, in 2006, video games giant Nintendo introduced the game console Nintendo Wii, successfully targeting girls and older customers with games like Cooking Mama and Brain Training.
13. We innovate because we want to increase the amount of money our businesses make.
a) True
b) False
14. McDonald’s have not changed their menu since they started.
a) True
b) False
15. Nintendo understood that only boys will play computer games.
a) True
b) False