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سطح شما در چهارچوب A2 Low ،CEFR هست.
عزیز برای تقویت زبان انگلیسی خود میتوانید از رسانه آموزشی سفیر و صفحه اینستاگرام سفیر استفاده کنید.
عزیز آزمون شما به پایان رسید.
سطح شما در چهارچوب A2 Low ،CEFR هست.
عزیز برای تقویت زبان انگلیسی خود میتوانید از رسانه آموزشی سفیر و صفحه اینستاگرام سفیر استفاده کنید.
تبریک میگوییم شما مرحله چهارم آزمون سراسری: سطح A2 High را با موفقیت پشت سر گذاشتید. شما به صورت خودکار به مرحله بعدی آزمون هدایت میشوید، در غیراینصورت بر روی دکمه زیر کلیک کنید.
تبریک میگوییم شما مرحله چهارم آزمون سراسری: سطح A2 High را با موفقیت پشت سر گذاشتید. شما به صورت خودکار به مرحله بعدی آزمون هدایت میشوید، در غیراینصورت بر روی دکمه زیر کلیک کنید.
1. A: Excuse me, how far is it to the beach?
B: Not much. You can walk there. It’s only 5 minutes …… from here.
a) around
b) away
c) along
d) across
2. A: Kate, would you please …… me your pen?
B: Sure, but please give it back to me soon.
a) borrow
b) let
c) lend
d) take
3. A: Excuse me, what …… does the train to Rome leave from?
B: Number 3.
a) line
b) post
c) path
d) platform
4. A: I …… to help her.
B: So did I.
a) offered
b) detested
c) practiced
d) didn’t stand
5. A: The Harry Potter books …… by J.K. Rowling.
B: Yes, she …… those wonderful books when I was a child.
a) wrote – wrote
b) were written – wrote
c) were written – was written
d) wrote – was written
6. A: What happened yesterday?
B: I …… so I arrived late.
a) have overslept
b) was oversleeping
c) had overslept
d) will oversleep
7. A: How was your weekend?
B: …… .
a) Nothing special
b) That sounds good
c) Not bad
d) That’s a shame
8. A: Hi Lili, …… ?
B: I will put you through to his secretary.
a) me Martin, Mac is in the office
b) it’s Martin, is Mac there
c) I’m Martin, is Mac in his office
d) remember me? Martin, Mac is over there
9. A: He’s not in at the moment. Could you call back in an hour?
B: …… ?
a) So could I talk to some other people
b) Could I take a message for him
c) Could you take him a message to me
d) Could I leave him a message
Listen to the audio and choose the correct option.
10. Facial expressions and the way you stand are examples of body language.
11. Body language is the same in most cultures.
12. In some cultures, making eye contact is a sign of disrespect.
Read the article and choose the correct options.
Can you imagine what it is like working at night? You start your day when everyone else is going to bed, and you go to bed when everyone else is getting up. Is that really a natural way to live?
These days more and more jobs need to be done at night. Most big hotels offer 24-hour room service and need staff at reception and working in the bars. Many companies have 24-hour call centers to deal with emergency services. There are 24-hour supermarkets, and of course there are the workers for the emergency services such as fire-fighters, police officers, and hospital workers.
However, few people can work well at night. This is partly because we cannot easily change our sleeping habits. Some people can manage on as little as three hours’ sleep while others need as many as eleven hours – you’re either a ‘short sleeper’ or a ‘long sleeper’. If working at night stops you from getting the amount of sleep you need, you will damage your health.
The best part of the day for everyone is around lunchtime and the worst point is between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. So, if you’re driving home at this time or doing something important at work, things are far more likely to go wrong!
Humans are used to sleeping at night and being awake during the day, and they’ll never be able to do things the other way round. The problem is that today’s 24-hour society isn’t going to slow down which means that night-workers will remain.
13. What does the writer say about night jobs?
a) Many people refuse to work at night.
b) It is easier than working during the day.
c) It is easier to demand better working conditions.
d) There is a variety of them.
14. What would a reader learn about sleep from the text?
a) Everybody needs the same amount.
b) It’s difficult to change your sleeping needs.
c) People sleep better in the early morning.
d) Many people need more than 11 hours’ sleep.
15. Which of the following could also be a title for this text?
a) A good night’s sleep
b) A worker that sleeps more, works more
c) Society is changing but our bodies are not
d) The loneliest jobs in the world